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Pediatric and Family Drug-Free Experts: Transforming Children's Health with Neuro-Focused Care May 28, 2024

Pediatric and Family Drug-Free Experts: Transforming Children's Health with Neuro-Focused Care 

Are you a parent who feels like you’ve exhausted all options when it comes to your child’s health? Have you tried conventional medicine only to be disappointed by its focus on symptoms...

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Addressing Motor Tics in Children Dec 10, 2023

If you’re a parent who is deeply concerned about your child who is grappling with the challenges of uncontrollable motor tics, rest assured, you’re not alone.  Watching your child struggle with these involuntary movements can be an emotionally draining and perplexing experience....

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Doctors Who Listen: What to Expect From Your Day 1 Consult Oct 29, 2023

Are you a parent who’s ever felt utterly frustrated because your child’s pediatrician or traditional doctors just won’t listen? Have you asked questions about the causes of your child’s illness or challenges, only to be dismissed and told it’s all in their genetics?...

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