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Pediatric and Family Drug-Free Experts: Transforming Children's Health with Neuro-Focused Care May 28, 2024

Pediatric and Family Drug-Free Experts: Transforming Children's Health with Neuro-Focused Care 

Are you a parent who feels like you’ve exhausted all options when it comes to your child’s health? Have you tried conventional medicine only to be disappointed by its focus on symptoms...

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A Special Message for our Live Better Chiropractic Mommas: May 04, 2024


As I sit here with my  3 kids running around me, I can’t help but be so grateful to be a mommy! Of course, there are days when we mourn our “old lives.” The one where it was just you that you had to worry about. Can you believe that we used to shower in peace...

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Understanding Sensory Issues in Kids: A Comprehensive Approach Apr 21, 2024

When your child struggles with sensory issues – daily meltdowns, refusal to wear certain clothes or eat specific foods, difficulty sleeping – it can be exhausting and isolating. Each sensory-related tantrum or meltdown in public can make you feel the weight of judgmental stares from...

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HRV Insights: Understanding Stress Impact on Baby's Nervous System Development Mar 17, 2024

The moment those two lines appear on the pregnancy test, the most joyful journey begins for expectant mothers. It's a time filled with wonder, excitement, and, undoubtedly, a touch of anxiety about your baby's health and future.

As your little one grows within the womb, you might find yourself...

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Understanding the Impact of Individualized Care Plans on Your Child's Health Mar 10, 2024

As parents, one of the most profound responsibilities we have is safeguarding the health and well-being of our children. When faced with challenges - whether physical, developmental, or emotional - our search for answers and solutions becomes all we think about. Central to this journey is the...

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Unlocking Torticollis: INSiGHT Scans and Chiropractic Care Feb 04, 2024

As a parent, when you’re told your baby has something called torticollis, it can often leave you feeling helpless and unsure where to turn. As pediatric chiropractors specializing in infant care, we empathize with the challenges and uncertainties that come with a torticollis diagnosis. In...

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5 Must-Haves for Choosing the Right Chiropractor Dec 31, 2023

If you are a parent who is part of our community, whether on socials, the website or have physically been in our practice, you’ve undoubtedly witnessed the heartwarming sight of numerous children running through our office. However, what truly distinguishes us as a pediatric-focused...

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Overcoming Chronic Ear Infections with Pediatric Chiropractic Care Nov 12, 2023

Are you a parent who's been through the heart-wrenching experience of watching your child suffer from chronic ear infections? If so, you know the sleepless nights, the tears, and the feeling of helplessness that comes with it. The constant congestion, pain, and the cycle of antibiotics can leave...

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Doctors Who Listen: What to Expect From Your Day 1 Consult Oct 29, 2023

Are you a parent who’s ever felt utterly frustrated because your child’s pediatrician or traditional doctors just won’t listen? Have you asked questions about the causes of your child’s illness or challenges, only to be dismissed and told it’s all in their genetics?...

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What Is Subluxation? Sep 18, 2023

Today I want to discuss a topic with you that may be unfamiliar but can make a significant difference in your child's health - we call it subluxation. As parents, understanding what subluxation is and how it impacts our children's health is absolutely crucial.  Once you understand what...

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