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Empowering ADHD Learners: Navigating School Challenges with Confidence Oct 10, 2023

If your child is facing the challenges of ADHD-related behavior and school difficulties, you’re not alone. The early months of the school year can be incredibly tough for families dealing with ADHD. Establishing routines, completing homework, staying focused, and managing behavior can be...

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Unraveling the Root Causes of Sensory Issues in Kids Oct 04, 2023

Have you ever wondered why your child melts down and goes into a full-fledged tantrum with the slightest change in routine, new food, or outfit you ask them to try, bright lights or loud sounds? Do they struggle to fall asleep and regulate their emotions in a significant way when tired, which...

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What Is Subluxation? Sep 18, 2023

Today I want to discuss a topic with you that may be unfamiliar but can make a significant difference in your child's health - we call it subluxation. As parents, understanding what subluxation is and how it impacts our children's health is absolutely crucial.  Once you understand what...

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